The Joys of A Summer Blouse
Two Siberian woman walk along the warm quiet streets after lunch time in roulette Italy. She stops to show off her blouse and white skirt. Self expression is more open than in Siberia.
The Joys of A Summer Blouse
Two Siberian woman walk along the warm quiet streets after lunch time in roulette Italy. She stops to show off her blouse and white skirt. Self expression is more open than in Siberia.
andyvau. 05/12/2017 15:21
perfect street! The first lady looks like jumping :-)Andy
sparkling light 19/09/2017 14:19
What have you told her?Claudio Micheli 15/09/2017 15:58
Great 1!Ciao
JOKIST 14/09/2017 22:04
Unser Kompliment für dieses Bild !Ingrid und Hans
Jürgen Ringmann 14/09/2017 18:31
hi glenn, great pic. LG JürgenJanos Gardonyi 14/09/2017 18:21
whatyadoing in Siberia, glenn?