The Kiss
One Softbox and a couple of filters in PS.
As someone once said - three clicks and post it !
Schönes WE an alle
The Kiss
One Softbox and a couple of filters in PS.
As someone once said - three clicks and post it !
Schönes WE an alle
Ton de Vrind 08/03/2012 23:47
Just as Christian, i get no post. Hope you are fine. Like this last picture, awesome! Like to learn Poser as well as a photofriend of mine.gruß Ton
Knippsomat 06/11/2011 18:49
Hallo Dave, wir haben lange nichts von einander gehört,Haben uns aus die Augen verloren...heul
Ich liebe deine Aufnahmen, auch dieses Bild hast du wieder sauber hin bekommen!!!
Gruß Christian
Lucy Heide 06/11/2011 11:22
ganz grosse klasselg annette