the ladybug photo et image | animals, wildlife, wildlife misc Images fotocommunity
the ladybug photo et image de Vesela Maleeva ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
the most beautiful ladies are
camera shy
even in the north -
when they allow a photo
it's a gift
to the picture-taker ...
yukon greetings at summer's end
a reloaded comment
and for
very pretty ladies
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annegretfunk 06/03/2008 10:57
herrliches Foto,ich liebe Marienkäfer!
Robert L. Roux 27/12/2007 1:27
the most beautiful ladies arecamera shy
even in the north -
when they allow a photo
it's a gift
to the picture-taker ...
yukon greetings at summer's end
a reloaded comment
and for
very pretty ladies
finguin 08/10/2007 15:30
Schönes Macro mit einem sehr schönen Farbkontrast!!didoriginal 07/10/2007 16:05
A wonderful macro. :)Tommy Ferrante 10/06/2007 18:34
What a fine macro!! Great definition....Congratulations Vesela!
Davide Pilia 28/04/2007 17:08
Very good, Vesela!The colors and the light are beautiful!
The square format and the composition complete the work!
Elke H.R. 25/04/2007 16:03
Ein wundervolles Makro !!Super schön !!
LG Elke
Mircea Tiron-Tudor 25/04/2007 14:54
Very good photo ! The frame is too big for me .Congratulations !
Leo Dahlen 24/04/2007 18:09
klasse. is probably the slide of thosegruß leo
Stefan Iwantschew - stiwef1 18/04/2007 11:17
...neweroiatno, tazi makro snimka bez lupa ili griwna?!?Za towa pyk mnogo mi hareswa!
LG Stefan
Claudia Bonner 17/04/2007 12:02
Wow, what a great makro!! Sharpness and colour wonderfull. Congratulations, looks great! ClaudiaDaren Borzynski 17/04/2007 1:28
Great capture Vesela.Lovely capture.. well spotted.. I havent seen one yet!!
Ursina Künti 16/04/2007 18:18
macht sich gut im Quadrat....ich mag den Farbkontrast.N. Claudia 15/04/2007 13:29
sehr schön gesehen und wunderbar umgesetzt..klasse arbeit..
einen lieben gruß in einen sonnigen sonntag, claudia
Ludek Sagi Lukac 14/04/2007 14:21
I like !Sagi :-)