The Living Forest (271) : Wood Anemone
Among the wild flowers, the Wood Anemone belongs to the earliest blooming species in the forest.
The flowers lack both nectar and fragrance, but the leaves smell musky.
Though so innocent in appearance, the plant contains poisonous chemicals that are toxic to both animals and men.
It is said that the Wood Anemone blooms at the same time as the return of the swallow.
Dutch name : Bosanemoon
German name : Buschwindröschen
Latin name : Anemone nemorosa
Sue Thompson 02/05/2014 16:06
Like stars that have fallen to earth. Beautiful:))
Sinnombre 02/04/2014 21:04
Kleine Blüte ganz gross!!!!!!!Ich liebe Buschwindröschen-habe welche im Garten
catweazle99-Tierfotografie 02/04/2014 19:14
das Licht und die Farben sind grossartiglg K.-Heinz
Vera Shulga 01/04/2014 22:12
very beautiful in this light with these play of shadows!..Rike-Tina 01/04/2014 17:57
frühlingshaft ....immer wieder schönlg....Rike
carinart 31/03/2014 10:13
An deinen wunderschönen Bildern kann man so recht deine Liebe zu allem erkennen, was die Natur uns schenkt!L.G. Karin
aline64 31/03/2014 6:30
Une jolie macro sur cette fleur dans u ne netteté parfaiteAmicalement
Luc Grollie 30/03/2014 20:00
excellent focus here Mark with great lightcontrol !!!like the fading diagonal repetition here and also the vignetting does a great job.....
Canan Oner 29/03/2014 19:56
Beautiful as it can be...Stunning details Mark..Cheers,
Angelika El. 28/03/2014 18:42
Oh, welch eine wunderbare Aufnahme! Du zeigst dieses kleinen Blütchen in wundervollem Licht - eine ganz feine, stimmungsvolle Aufnahme und die Schärfe ist beeindruckend!
LG! a.
Claudio Oldrini 28/03/2014 18:41
Beautiful image!Claudio
Alfred Schultz 28/03/2014 15:50
Tiny but lovely.It's great to look at it on the screen.
Greetings - A.
Jenipher Baker 28/03/2014 10:32
Beautiful light and detail and I like the out of focus one in the bg giving balance ....... looks good Mark :-)lg Jenipher
Heinz Janovsky 28/03/2014 8:51
Wunderschöne zarte Blüte.Gruß Heinz
Philomena Hammer 28/03/2014 7:31
eine sehr ansprechende Aufnahme.LG