The Living Forest (299) : Red Deer
It’s early autumn.
In the forest the yearly mating ritual of the red deer, called the rut, has begun again.
“The King of the Forest” shows his tough looks just before sunset. There awaits him a heavy night.
Mature stags (males) compete for the attentions of the hinds (females) with a very distinctive and loud "roar" that can be heard for miles around in the forest.
The hinds are initially attracted to those stags that both roar most often and have the loudest roar call.
The stags also compete with posturing and antler fights with other stags, with the aim of establishing dominance and mating.
Dutch name : Edelhert
German name : Rothirsch
Latin name : Cervus elaphus
Location : Hertogenwald at Eupen (Belgium)
Sabine Junge 15/10/2015 22:59
One depends on the other. Both pics you made comprises the same living situation of nature in very best quality!Sabine
Lila 05/11/2014 10:25
wow ........... den hast Du gut erwischt !!!L.G. Lila
Thoralf 25/10/2014 20:53
ein Prachtexemplar und super Foto, GratulationLG Thoralf
Joke Hulst 24/10/2014 14:51
Fantastic and in beautiful light captured !! TOPGr Joke
Vera Shulga 16/10/2014 16:59
great shot!Günter Nau 16/10/2014 5:43
Super Aufnahme vom röhrenden Hirsch in bestem Licht.Grüße Günter
" Einer wird gewinnen "
Günter Nauodeveld219 13/10/2014 16:44
What a great capture Mark, It's wonderful with that light!With friendly greetings, Odeveld
carinart 12/10/2014 12:03
Man kann ihn fast hören! Was für ein toller Hirsch!L.G. Karin
archiek 12/10/2014 9:04
wonderful pose for this guy and in super light. Very nicely done.-Regards,
Wolfgang Bazer 08/10/2014 1:34
Eine fantastische Aufnahme von diesem röhrenden Hirsch!LG Wolfgang
Adele D. Oliver 08/10/2014 0:10
Fantastic !!! what an experience this must have been to encounter this majestic male ... splendid how he is posing for you, and your capture is excellent !!!greetings, Adele
Ken Piros 07/10/2014 23:34
Good light !Brigitte Hoffmann 07/10/2014 23:17
Bon soir Mark,da hattest du das Glück des Tüchtigen:
Im richtigen Moment am richtigen Platz zu sein.
Das Bild vom prächtigen Hirschen ist dir hervorragend gelungen, Bravo!
Salut Brigitte
ev@w. 07/10/2014 22:48
WOW.... ganz STARK !!!eine faszinierend schöne und topp gelungene nah-aufnahme in 1-A bild-qualy !!
lieben gruß
sitagita 07/10/2014 22:25
Grandios ,- what a wonderful image. The motive, the light , the sharpness ,- everything great!I like it very much!
LG Brigitte