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The Living Forest (89) : Bittersweed

The Living Forest (89) : Bittersweed

8 539 21

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (89) : Bittersweed

Bittersweed has small but beautiful shaped flowers (about 1cm across), with vivid purple petals and yellow stamens.
The plant develops bright red ovoid berries late autumn, soft and juicy. However they are poisonous to humans but edible for birds.

In the days of belief in witchcraft, shepherds used to hang Bittersweed as a charm round the neck of those of their sheep whom they suspected to be under the evil eye.……

Dutch name : Bitterzoet
German name : Bittersüße Nachtschatten
Latin name : Solanum dulcamara

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