The Living Forest (89) : Bittersweed
Bittersweed has small but beautiful shaped flowers (about 1cm across), with vivid purple petals and yellow stamens.
The plant develops bright red ovoid berries late autumn, soft and juicy. However they are poisonous to humans but edible for birds.
In the days of belief in witchcraft, shepherds used to hang Bittersweed as a charm round the neck of those of their sheep whom they suspected to be under the evil eye.……
Dutch name : Bitterzoet
German name : Bittersüße Nachtschatten
Latin name : Solanum dulcamara
Pozer Katalin 04/10/2009 9:53
Great quality in this bright light. I am fascinated by your series. It seems you breath together with forest.Well done.
Hugs, Kati
Canan Oner 02/10/2009 18:48
So beautiful with glorious light Mark...Good that I learned about them being poisonous ...Have a nice weekend..
Comy 02/10/2009 5:04
class colours...† Ushie Farkas 01/10/2009 22:27
WOWWWWWWWWWWWW, Mark!!! So was von SCHÖN !!! Ich bin begeistert! Salut UshieJan Rillich 01/10/2009 21:19
your living forest series is my daily quiz and I should really know most of the plants but I can't say that i'm always right - today I knew the answernice pic
Adele D. Oliver 01/10/2009 20:25
An excellent capture of this pretty Bittersweet blossom (a nightshade plant, I think) with so much details, beautiful colours, light!! Yes, ours here are now sporting little red berries.greetings, Adele
A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 01/10/2009 20:09
Ein super schönes Bild mit einer wahnsinns Beleuchtung und herrlichen Farben sowie eine perfekte Schärfe!!LG Bergjäger
Deryck 01/10/2009 19:49
It is a beautiful flower Mark and also an interesting story about it. A very beautiful picture tooDeryck
Vitória Castelo Santos 01/10/2009 19:40
Total schön!"Die Farben sind klasse!"
LG VItoria
Ryszard Basta 01/10/2009 19:23
grandiosReinhard... 01/10/2009 18:40
beautiful in that light and exelent sharpness...!Cheers
j.a.j.jansen m. 01/10/2009 17:50
Very nice in details, well done.Jan.
Pe-Sto 01/10/2009 17:23
... daran knabbern würde ich auch besser nicht ... :0)... aber ich bestaune dein herrliches Foto ... wunderbar wie du die Blüten in Szene gesetzt hast.
lg Peggy
Josef Kainz 01/10/2009 16:04
Super ein klasse Fotolg. josef
Jojo. 01/10/2009 14:41