The Middle Ages (30) : Wool Spinner
This series is an attempt to illustrate how life was going on in the Middle Ages.
Being a wool spinner was a very useful profession in those times.
The spinning wheel was invented in Asia, probably in the 11th century and was introduced into Europe 2 centuries later.
In 1533, an unknown citizen of Braunschweig (Germany) added a treadle to the device, by which the wool spinner could rotate the wheel with one foot and have both hands free to handle the wool (before that the spinner always had to use one hand to turn the wheel)
Photographed at medieval festival of castle Franchimont (Belgium).
Arnd U. B. 10/12/2011 18:19
Das erinnert an uralte Märchen. Lg ArndLawson McCulloch 10/12/2011 10:30
A very lovely look back in time to the middle wishes from Lawson.
aline64 10/12/2011 7:53
Une série fantastique de portraits tous aussi réussi les uns que les autres, bravo Markamicalement
† Ushie Farkas 10/12/2011 6:37
BEZAUBERND, Mark!!! Grüße Ushiewilly ombret 09/12/2011 22:41
superbe photocompliments
willy ombret
Adele D. Oliver 09/12/2011 21:57
A craft that has not died out - spinning and weaving is very much alive here with crafty people ...... but so nice to see what fine frocks women used to wear. A fine capture, lovely light and vibrant colours !!!greetings and wish you a great weekend,
K.-H.Schulz 09/12/2011 21:09
Gute Handarbeit.Very good picturesLG:karl-heinz
Angelika El. 09/12/2011 20:41
Oh, sie lässt das Rädchen schnurren! Sie hat ein schönes schattiges Plätzchen und ja noch jede Menge Wolle im Korb!!! Eine ganz feine und gelungene Aufnahme!
Eine wirklich feine Serie!!!!
Josef Kainz 09/12/2011 19:58
Gefällt mir++vg josef
Bernd Brügging 09/12/2011 17:10
Eine feine Serie zeigst Du uns hier in eindrucksvoller Weise. Klasse, wie sie im Mittelalter gesponnen haben.HG
Vera M. Shulga 09/12/2011 17:04
Very nice presentation of this profession. Very nice details of wheel.A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 09/12/2011 16:29
Eine Superarbeit von dir!!LG Bergjäger
Norbert Kappenstein 09/12/2011 15:49
Das sieht sehr authentisch aus. Eine gute Aufnahme.LG Norbert
Vitória Castelo Santos 09/12/2011 14:58
Very good detailed portrait !!!!Good work
Sigrid E 09/12/2011 14:47
Since I am glad that today we can buy our finished sweater ;-)))But the picture is great!!!
Greetings from Germany