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The Moment of Wonderment

The Moment of Wonderment

4 295 10

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

The Moment of Wonderment

A young girl takes part in her first public religious ceremony. Gripping the bunch of incense in her hand. She can barely pay attention to her father and older brother. Transfixed on the patter of smoke that magically floats above her head. Some how the the oneness within the child's heart comes alive and the theatrics of living religion theatrically captures her as her mouth opens in response of believing that her god has just come alive and moves ever so little. She repeats her prays while captured in the moment of smell, sight, and sound. For her moment of growing up just a little into becoming a little bit bigger, She will remember this moment within the ritual that give life to wonderment for the rest of her life and in time pass it on to her children as an adult.

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Dossier Nepal
Vu de 4 295


APN Olympus EM 1
Objectif ---
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Temps de pose ---
Focale ---
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