the Pull of the Tidal King
If you follow my blog you know I experience depression (I refuse to say "suffer from depression") and these periods come and go, and lately I have been grappling with a strong one. So much so that I wrote a blog about it. I even coined my own metaphor for describing it: the Tidal King. I imagine he's a Poseidon-like figure who controls the tides and the pull of the waves of my ocean or life. The tide is high, I am mired in the darkness and pulled in by the undertow, the tide is low, I am okay, I am on dry land. I wanted this recent photo session with Ed Barron to depict not only the Tidal King, but the effects of depression, the feel of it.
I decided to keep this one pretty minimal, because the expression and emotion in the model's face goes so far in relaying suffering or sadness, bewilderment or surrender. There is not much fight here, he is in the net and succumbing to it.
I am not sure if the King will ever make his photographic debut or not, but at least here we see one of his victims, and the ill effects of his influence.
model: Ed Barron
Erhard Nielk 29/07/2013 17:02
immer wieder spannend, deine erhard