The whole family photo et image | portrait, autoportrait, people Images fotocommunity
The whole family photo et image de Colin S B ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
A great family portrait, you all look lovely together. We had one taken years ago gathered round and on a piano and it was the only time my sister and I were allowed to sit on top of the piano!!
Nice family portrait !
Only one thing, apparently you use some backround which has been folded before use, the folds are clearly visible!, if you would have placed yourselves a little further away from the backround this would have dissapeared in unsharpness and would have been less obtrusive.
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Sally Dunn 16/01/2010 19:19
A great family portrait, you all look lovely together. We had one taken years ago gathered round and on a piano and it was the only time my sister and I were allowed to sit on top of the piano!!Regards
Uli Weiler 16/01/2010 15:41
always difficult to get all in front of the cam???:-)))i now that well
Ruud van der Lubben 16/01/2010 8:04
Nice family portrait !Only one thing, apparently you use some backround which has been folded before use, the folds are clearly visible!, if you would have placed yourselves a little further away from the backround this would have dissapeared in unsharpness and would have been less obtrusive.