7 013 47 Galerie

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Tits and Tats

Night life in Bangkok has a lot to offer. You can think it's a Scene from a movie like "Porky's", or some off campus giant pub with screaming girls geared to make you think you'r the magic one. It's all flash and fish like gill nets designed to catch your imagination. Many young women in the night make more than they make in a month selling fruit. For the price of a pre-encounter. It could be more than you've ever encountered with someone back home. The humor of it all is that just to walk once around the block you might say to a friend that your girlfriend has never done or offered that. Depending on what that is.:) Well for shooting street it's a wild and fun place. Kind of like Disneyland for kids with an "E" ticket for the Matterhorn ride, if not a spin on Dumbo. Weeeeeeeee.

Commentaire 47


Dossier Things I see
Vu de 7 013


Objectif ---
Ouverture 0
Temps de pose 1/160
Focale 0.0 mm
ISO 1000


Galerie (Sujets)
15/10/2015 57 Pro / 43 Contra

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