Train II. photo et image | industry & technology, railway, subjects Images fotocommunity
Train II. photo et image de Dusan Chrastina ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
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Massimo Martini 27/01/2007 9:19
Suggestive. Congratulations.Nuvolo con speranza
Massimo MartiniGeoff Ashton 14/01/2007 20:51
a trin foto that i really likelike the long exposure and the coulers, only thing i would of done different is the noise in the sky
chears geoff
Wayne Tsipouras 11/01/2007 22:32
A slow train, great work with the timer then,well done. Superb image.
Dusan Chrastina 11/01/2007 15:17
This train was very slow. Long time.Thanks.
Irina Pidova 11/01/2007 13:58
Oh, this train must be very fast ;-)))))Nice work!
Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux 11/01/2007 13:05
I love this picture, the colours combined with the amazing graphical blurred train and the sharpness come together really well.