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Commentaire 2

  • Tanja Strøier Overgaard 25/09/2002 21:20

    Hi Chris!
    It`s not a private feeling at all
    ( Well, that means that the feeling is not totally forreign to me. I am an actor-student and so I`m forced to look inside myself.. Think about taking the blue pill in the Matrix and you have the picture more or less - Well it`s realy not that bad -it`s actually quite interresting.. But enough of that talk. I don`t have a big trauma or anything like that so don`t worry about me or other people you know.. ;o) Let`s just say I can relate to that feeling wich I by the way believe is within us all because it`s related to life)
    The title is just a metaphore I came up with looking at the picture afterwoods. Your idea with the square makes sence..
    Gruß, Tanja
  • Tanja Strøier Overgaard 21/09/2002 22:02

    I first uploaded the picture with a white frame, but it annoyed me and so I had to get rid of it. (So Patrick what can I say.. Some taste is just bad taste..Anyway -the picture is more present without it.)
    I came up with the titled because I thought about how the rocks and stones fall downhill and that some are carried by the wind much faster than others and the big one is just lying there. In time it will move and mayby finally dissapeare, but for now..
    It`s the observation that some things move fast and some are more heavy..
    By the way I don`t know if we have lavarocks in Denmark so I can`t realy answer your question Michael but I can tell you it was a wild danish iland -and the picture is not tillted.
    Thanks for your replies.

    Andrea Gil, heute um 18:58 Uhr
    Das Foto finde ich klasse, den Titel verstehe ich nicht .


    Patrick Aeschbach, heute um 18:59 Uhr
    Es verblüfft mich, dass Du dieses grossartige Bild, dass ein wenig durch den gar breiten Rahmen (aber auch Geschmackssache) "Trauer" nennst. Wie stellst Du die Verbindung her? Ist das Gestein im Hintergrund Lavagestein? Spannend, was ein Bild so auslöst an Fragen... :-)

    Michael Heinbockel, heute um 19:11 Uhr
    Heute ist mal wieder Tag der Fotos. Das hier ist auch Klasse. Heftige Diagonale. Schaerfe genau da wo sie sein soll. Toll die dunkle Felswand(?) hinter dem Strand. Geschickt gekippt.