Gerhard Körsgen

Premium (World), Köln

tribute to William Eggleston - Quotes

Aufnahme 12.03.2019, Köln-Holweide.

Beitragsfoto zum Fight-Club - Thema

im Rahmen
im Rahmen

Anbei noch ein paar Zitate von Wiliam Eggleston, die sich alle irgendwie in diesem Foto wiederfinden:

“I am at war with the obvious.”
“You can take a good picture of anything. A bad one, too.”
“I had this notion of what I called a democratic way of looking around, that nothing was more or less important.”
"I am afraid that there are more people than I can imagine who can go no further than appreciating a picture that is a rectangle with an object in the middle of it, which they can identify."
"Everything in the frame is important".

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