(Un)Accepted - Background photo et image | model introduction, l.a., people Images fotocommunity
(Un)Accepted - Background photo et image de Seth ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
Like it. The background is interesting and the scene looks like its not posed but as taken from real life. The reflection of the belt buckle is a nice eyecatcher. The pose of the two looks very emotional.
best regards Maggy
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Matthias Moritz 05/09/2018 8:07
Well arranged! Eye-catching.Seth 30/08/2011 10:45
Thank you Maggy!MaggyDo1983 30/08/2011 10:24
Like it. The background is interesting and the scene looks like its not posed but as taken from real life. The reflection of the belt buckle is a nice eyecatcher. The pose of the two looks very emotional.best regards Maggy