Wonderful scene with splendid shoot.
The dark tone make stimulates my visual perception to the mysteriously atmosphere. But the red light look dramatic in good spot. Something telling about prospect in the vacancy :-))
Best regards - aw masry
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Cody J. Burk 23/04/2010 22:58
well done!! I like how busy it is.evi gjergji 03/02/2009 8:10
i like your way nice pick..Vladan Doslic 28/02/2008 8:12
I like it !Best wishes
aw masry 22/02/2008 14:18
Wonderful scene with splendid shoot.The dark tone make stimulates my visual perception to the mysteriously atmosphere. But the red light look dramatic in good spot. Something telling about prospect in the vacancy :-))
Best regards - aw masry
J. Und J. Mehwald 06/02/2008 9:51
Wenn Urlaub, dann ist die rote Farbe schade! :-))Klasse Impression ist es trotzdem, wenn auch etwas zu hoch.
Ilidio Fernandes 02/02/2008 21:43
Great mood. well done.