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"Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe that tells the story of a sailor who spends around 28 years on an island as a shipwrecked man. The book was published in 1719. The literary motif of being locked in on an island is also known as the Robinsonade after him."
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Adele D. Oliver 02/05/2023 0:07
a great image with the footprint in the sandtelling the story !!!
best regards,
Frank Gürtler 16/12/2021 10:35
excellent*****"Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe that tells the story of a sailor who spends around 28 years on an island as a shipwrecked man. The book was published in 1719. The literary motif of being locked in on an island is also known as the Robinsonade after him."