May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
(Bob Dylan)
Laura Daddabbo 15/03/2016 10:50
absolutely lovely :-))ciao Ortrud, have a good day. Laura
Bruni Mayer 02/03/2016 18:16
das gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut... mit den sich wiederholenden und kleiner werdenden samenstände im hintergrund!lg bruni
ennasus 29/02/2016 19:19
tolle Kontrastwirkung! LG Kerstinstine55 29/02/2016 19:02
mal was ganz anderes und auch sehr schönesich finde deine sichtweise sehr schön
sei ganz lieb gegrüsst von karin
Wolfgang1694 29/02/2016 15:06
Blumenwiese mal anders,feine Aufnahme.
LG Wolfgang
Karen Håkansson 29/02/2016 11:52
May your hands always stay busy!!!!!!!!!!Wie sonst soll ich beschreiben, wie GUT mir dieses Bild gefällt. WELL DONE, Ortrud :-)