Waiting for Customers...
These man are waiting for customers, at Monte (Funchal), Madeira Island.
They take customers inside the basket-car downhill.
Waiting for Customers...
These man are waiting for customers, at Monte (Funchal), Madeira Island.
They take customers inside the basket-car downhill.
Inez Correia Marques 11/12/2009 15:18
:-))oH, it seems like fun JMartins. tu foste dar uma voltita ?
Uma foto bem gira!
Moreno Ferraro 21/10/2009 17:30
Compliments ! very nice shot and good B/W.Moreno
dammi la mano
Moreno FerraroJosé Ramón Miguel 22/09/2009 13:20
Curioso transporte, no lo conocía y debe de ser excitante. Una muestra en ByN muy bonita de los porteadores junto a los carros.Saludos