Walker elect : Contact List of urologists and 34 more specialties
The package below is valued at over $2000 when purchased individually
Certified Medical Doctors in the US
788,440 in total * 17,168 emails
34 primary and secondary specialties
Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields
US Pharmaceutical Company Executives Directory
Names and email addresses of 47,000 employees in high-ranking positions
Listing of US Hospitals
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA
Complete and Accurate Database for Dental Service Providers
Practically every dentist in America is listed here
US Chiropractor List
Over than 100k chiropractors practicing in the US
Dramatic cost reduction:
$399 for all listed above
email to: xxx@xxx.xxx
valid thru January 23
to adjust your subscription status email to xxxl@xxx.xxx
GREATEST HITS 25/01/2009 18:58
Neu bin ich hier eigentlich nicht. Aber ansonsten kann man alles so stehen lassen. :)Joachim Mühle 25/01/2009 16:29
Ich glaube,hier präsentiertsich ein neues FOTOGRAFISCHES GENIE.
Unbedingt im Auge behalten.
Snapper 25/01/2009 8:13
Ich sehe das genau wie mein Vorposter.Gruß Alex
Matthias von Schramm 25/01/2009 0:52
erstaunlich erstaunlich