We gotta get out of here 2
Window and fire escape.. In this case I like the shadow on the wall from the fire escape frame work along with the Star in the lower left corner.
October Monthly Theme - Windows and Doors
archiek 12/10/2015 18:07
The crossing lines works very well. Nice contrast in shapes.Regards,
s. sabine krause 10/10/2015 9:23
absolutely!! the "star" makes the image for me, as it adds a whole new dimension to the shot, transforming its surroundings, this bastion of city life, into a different world – neptune was here… once… maybe… ; )) the intricate shadows suddenly appear pier-like… greetings, sabine.Harold Thompson 05/10/2015 9:56
Good detail in the steelworks and good use of the shadows:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 05/10/2015 8:41
The shadows created by that fire escape are very good.... the star.... that is special :))):))