wet evening
nass-Abend*soir de pluie*serata unida*noche humeda
pedestrian street*Fußgängerzone*rue piétonne*calle paetonal*strada pedonale
Kobylyanskaya str. (Herrengasse), Czernowitz
Wet Wet Wet - Morning
Jürgen Grösel 06/09/2017 12:29
Einfach schön, weiter so. LG JürgenPatricia González Schütz 27/10/2015 19:53
Wonderful picture!António Ramos 28/04/2015 20:48
Excellent and perfect photographic image.Ostfriesenbiker 20/04/2015 16:47
das sieht ja klasse aus ,tollefarben schöne scharfe ..
gruss hermann
tanu676 15/04/2015 11:30
very strong Feelingsgreat pic
nice greetings
António Ramos 30/03/2015 20:38
Excellent and perfect photography, congratulations.Peter van der Houwen 16/02/2015 19:38
Rainy mood indeed, so beautifully photographed!BR Peter.
António Ramos 08/10/2014 20:34
Belíssima foto! Boa Luz e tonalidades excelentes.Mittelosteuropa-Entdecker 30/09/2014 15:06
Hier ist mir der Vordergrund doch zu dominant, den Gully hätte ich noch weggeschnitten. Beste GrüßeMario Keim 15/09/2014 7:39
What a wonderful photo. Good light and reflections.I like the parallel lines.
Ciao Mario
Heinrich Vianden Fotografie 29/06/2014 17:25
Hi Vera,this is in my personal opinion a very beautifully structured image with powerful lights and a lot of symmetry. You have the image through the wet pavement, which is illuminated by streetlights divided into two parts. I personally find such pictures beautiful because it reflecting back a very special atmosphere.
Y.Takatsu. 22/12/2013 4:56
Beautiful street.....fantastic looking with rain.....love it,
VG Y.Takatsu.
Reinhold Czarny 11/12/2013 20:26
Diese Stelle der Herrengasse, wie sie zu österreichischer Zeit hieß, war schon immer ein Platz um Fotos zu machen. Links das ehemalige Cafe "Habsburg" - im Dreikronenhaus.Schöner Schuß!
LOULOU44 08/12/2013 20:58
Reflets sous la pluie: c'est très beau, j'aime.Amitiés,
Silas Natan 11/07/2013 21:04
VeraMore one comment.
Now is my turn to say wonderful and sacred street of heaven. Do you believe?
Very nice.