What am I doing here? photo et image | streetfotografie mit menschen, florenz, street photography Images fotocommunity
What am I doing here? photo et image de Cameraqueen ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
Looks like the only one remotely interested in engaging is the doggie.
Excellent - and telling - street capture, Sabine.
Very effective in black and white.
A very telling shot in a very characteristic moment of enjoying a short brake...Tireness is well reflected in the youngster's face, more if he has also to look after a dog in his wonderings...More or less having a baby!
Very good monochrome with excellent contrast and black and whites..
best regards alexander
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Steve Ember 06/04/2016 10:55
Looks like the only one remotely interested in engaging is the doggie.Excellent - and telling - street capture, Sabine.
Very effective in black and white.
Ebert Harald 13/03/2016 8:17
sehr ausdrucksstarke Mimik, tolle Szene, VLG HaraldChristos Banos 25/10/2015 9:36
Nice street shot!gr. Christos
Franco Uliviero 07/10/2015 18:49
demanda refleja la expresión del chico aburrido ... y quizás por alto por el compañero comprometido a perder el tiempo.bella imagen
hola Sabine
Giampiero Mazzoleni 07/10/2015 14:27
Bellissima scena, ottimo il BW, complimenti !!!ciao, Giampi
alexander stefanatos 07/10/2015 9:59
A very telling shot in a very characteristic moment of enjoying a short brake...Tireness is well reflected in the youngster's face, more if he has also to look after a dog in his wonderings...More or less having a baby!Very good monochrome with excellent contrast and black and whites..
best regards alexander
zEpPoT 07/10/2015 9:29
eigentlich brauchen sie keinen hund ...vlg z.
Peter van der Houwen 07/10/2015 8:46
A telling image indeed!Your candid shots are marvelous, all of them!
Carlo.Pollaci 06/10/2015 22:30
Adorable photograph.Best regards,
Jaap Koer 06/10/2015 21:18
A good street shot!Jaap
Angelika Kart 06/10/2015 19:43
Klasse Momentaufnahme, das Gesicht spricht Bände!!!LG Angelika
Miredita 06/10/2015 19:41
Ja stimmt, so kann man seinen Gesichtsausdruck eindeutig interpretieren. Eine herrliche Szene. LG Claudiaviola d 06/10/2015 19:28
Ha ha, a question sometimes just as good as to be or not to be:) The boy's and the dog's faces say it all:)Well spotted. Bw, Viola
Janos Gardonyi 06/10/2015 19:25
sometimes I wonder about that myself.......janosTania Skaradek 06/10/2015 19:18
Very good image and good question, Sabine!Each one of us can ask this question itself:-)