Winter Solstice 2014
The first day of Winter, but the days are getting longer again. Vancouver celebrates Winter Solstice every year with lantern processions and song, theatre and dance in several of our Community Centres.
as every year I like to post an image on this special day - and I want to say thank you to all who look at my photos and to all who leave their comments - without you I would not be here !!!
Jim McKinniss 23/01/2015 20:20
This photo is way cool. I love the colors, light and soft focus. I also like the dynamics created by the tilt of the main puppet.Jim
Günter Nau 30/12/2014 9:28
Die Meteorologen behaupten ja, daß der Winter schon am 1. Dezember begonnen hat. Ein schöner Brauch ist es bei Euch, auf diese Weise den Winter zu begrüßen.lg. Günter
aline64 22/12/2014 7:31
Une photo tres colorees et tres gaie, bravo pour cette priseAmicalement
Conny11 21/12/2014 21:46
Ich kann es kaum erwarten...mir fehlt die Sonne in diesen langen Nächten auch.
Es ist durchaus ein Grund zum feiern, wenn die Lichttage wieder länger werden.
Klasse deine Fotos zum Thema +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
LG Conny
Carlo.Pollaci 21/12/2014 21:38
Hello Adele,your photography is adorable and makes us part of this beautiful tradition.
adriana lissandrini 21/12/2014 21:31
very pleasant even this representation of the solstice, Adeleis true not all of us, and our mutual perseverance and joy in following us, we would not be here
hugs, Adriana
Vitória Castelo Santos 21/12/2014 19:56
Great work****************viola d 21/12/2014 17:33
We don't celebrate Solstice here although it was mentioned on the radio:) Anyway, it's good news the days are going to be longer and longer:)Merry Christmas, dear Adele, to you and to all your loved ones. Hugs, Viola
Emilio Sirletti 21/12/2014 16:49
Beautiful tradition and it's nice that you remember her by publishing a photo on the topic.Ciao, Emilio
Claudio Micheli 21/12/2014 15:50
Bellissima immagine.Ciao!
Jochen Braband 21/12/2014 12:24
Man merkt es noch nicht so richtig... aber man weiß es ... die Tage
werden wieder länger!
Ein sehr schöner Brauch dies zu
Eine tolle Dokumentation von Dir!
Alles Gute, Jochen
Alfredo Spagnoli 21/12/2014 12:06
E si, siamo arrivati all'inverno!!!Complimenti Adele per quasta bella immagine, colorata e festosa.
Ciao, Alfredo
s. sabine krause 21/12/2014 11:25
what a dynamic theatrical little scene you captured here! what outlandish creatures? ignorant me sees a character with a clown's head, wings for a collar and snake arms – a blend of western and first-nation art?? – literally sticking his smiling head out my computer screen, as though embracing those upcoming lighter mornings of winter! i coulnd't agree more! ; )) happy winter solstice 2014, adele! hugs, sabine.chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 21/12/2014 10:14
Tres jolie Photo ! BisesAgapy 21/12/2014 10:02
Ein schöner Brauch und vor allem auch ein Grund zu feiern, wenn die Tage wieder länger werden. Merkwürdigerweise gibt es bei uns diesen Brauch nicht bzw. vielleicht nicht mehr. Deine Dokumentation über Jahre finde ich sehr interessant.LG Roswitha