Woman preparing decoration
The elder lady from the wedding house in Desa Puseh Teleput Banjar Pujung, where the marriage was gone to celebrate, after preparing the decoration with the beautiful Gebogan Bunga flower arrangements.
Woman preparing decoration
The elder lady from the wedding house in Desa Puseh Teleput Banjar Pujung, where the marriage was gone to celebrate, after preparing the decoration with the beautiful Gebogan Bunga flower arrangements.
Benita Sittner 16/11/2022 20:02
...eine wunderbare Szene...VLG BenitaHerbert Rulf 15/11/2022 0:46
Die Frau genau zwischen den beiden Blumendekos, das macht sich sehr gut.LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 14/11/2022 9:16