Woolf photo et image | usermeetings, london 2009, special Images fotocommunity
Woolf photo et image de Robert Riley ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur fotocommunity.fr. Découvre ici d'autres images.
A great man captured at a wonderful angle and perspective Bob,the detail is excellent and I love the way the statue stands against the beautiful blue sky.
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anthony ryan 09/11/2009 19:14
A great man captured at a wonderful angle and perspective Bob,the detail is excellent and I love the way the statue stands against the beautiful blue sky.Regards.
Frederick Mann 04/11/2009 5:46
(sometimes I have the definite feeling the past is watching over us, even if only in form of a monument)
Adele D. Oliver 04/11/2009 0:25
Unusual perspective .... makes him look so imposing ... excellent focus work!!cheers, Adele
Irca Caplikas 03/11/2009 21:59
oh - yes!it looks great!
JOKIST 03/11/2009 21:08
Very fine work and perspective !LG Ingrid und Hans
Ralph Bache 03/11/2009 20:54
Interesting perspective, a great man. An amazing sky in the background. BW.