Young Goose looking for a mate.....
......I do not think this species is native to the refuge here, but there seems to be a lot of species and mixed species that were abandoned of they just flew away from farms and ranches in the area to live free on the national Wildlife Reserve....
I appreciate your visit and your comments......
Lawson McCulloch 19/11/2014 20:13
It is a handsome looking bird that you have photographed so nicely wishes,
from Lawson
Harold Thompson 19/11/2014 9:02
Could be a goose on migration good detail:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 19/11/2014 8:39
A super shot of this goose, which could well be a Pink Footed Goose...
† Ushie Farkas 19/11/2014 7:03
she ist so SWEEEEET!!! Greetingsnorma ateca 19/11/2014 6:33
She is very pretty , sicher wird sie einen GALAN finden ! LG Norma