yukon fine art
a small section of an extensive exhibit at the yukon arts centre showing some moose-skin works done by my young friend jim robb during the 1950s and '60s. i think that night was in celebration of his order of canada circa 2005(?) ...
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ann mari cris aschieri 25/04/2022 22:01
Nice folk art very interesting with so many ethnic types.Saluti a te e a Jim Robb, CIAo!
Peace & Love to all of you
Dragomir Vukovic 24/04/2022 23:46
it is a journey !Charly08 24/04/2022 22:32
Bestens gezeigt.LG Gudrun
Mira Culix 24/04/2022 20:24
interesting, i guess those portraits are of local peple he met in the yucon.