ekaterina 's - photos & images - photographe de NICE, France | fotocommunity Profil de ekaterina 's - Photographe ekaterina 's de NICE, France [fc-user:1400198]
photography has is the analysis and the research of the “insatiable and inaccessible”
perfection the human body is shown in all its grace, its purity, and its sensuality,
without additions, it all the more shows the beauty of the Woman. Under the projectors,
the human body
female gleams and emphasizes themselves….
20 years of work of analysis and research made that possible under the eye of a woman
impassioned by photography.
ekaterina 's 09/09/2009 16:02
photography has is the analysis and the research of the “insatiable and inaccessible”perfection the human body is shown in all its grace, its purity, and its sensuality,
without additions, it all the more shows the beauty of the Woman. Under the projectors,
the human body
female gleams and emphasizes themselves….
20 years of work of analysis and research made that possible under the eye of a woman
impassioned by photography.