Alison Wiseman

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A propos de moi

Hi, my name is Alison,
i have stayed in Shetland all my life and don't think i would leave it.
i have been taking photos for about 25years. living in such a weather changing island where it is said we can have all seasons in one day (true) gives great opportunities to catch some very interesting photos, i only wish i had my camera with me more of the time as the amount of photos i have missed is unforgivable. i hope to learn a lot from other members.
now got a digital,Fujifilm S5000.

Commentaire 153

  • Fons van Swaal 29/12/2009 12:23

  • Fons van Swaal 16/12/2009 15:46

  • Fons van Swaal 30/07/2009 15:16

    Thank you very much Alison for participating in the voting.....
    Best regards,
  • Alan Garrick 03/07/2009 0:02

    Hi Alison, thanks for the comments on my puffins, the puffin landing was a bit out of focus but it took me about an hour to get one.
    Sneaky peerie devils dat dey are

    Cheers Allan
  • Janusz Wa 25/04/2009 19:59

    all photos very very nice !!!!!!
  • Radek Roštok 10/01/2009 19:00

    Hi Alison,
    Your pictures are very nice. Of course,if you have opportunities than is not so difficult took nice shot.
  • Fons van Swaal 28/12/2008 15:58

    Happy New Year Alison,
    Hope all your wishes come through in 2009...
  • weggi 23/12/2008 10:59

    much greetings, weggi
  • Anca Silvia B. 10/12/2008 19:09

  • Canan Oner 09/12/2008 10:02

  • Fons van Swaal 07/12/2008 16:32

  • Gert van der Flier 03/12/2008 18:07

    Dear Alison,
    I wish you a merry Christmas and a very healthful and happy new year 2009. Thanks for your friendship and nice comments on my pictures.
    I hope we can continue our friendship and share our pictures also in 2009.
    Best regards, Gert

  • Jhay Gamba 02/12/2008 16:30

    Hi Alison,

    Thanks for the comment on my photo!

  • Fons van Swaal 02/12/2008 15:01

    Thanks a lot my friend....;-)))
    Don't you like to ride the bike.....??
  • Brian Collins 26/11/2008 19:44

    HI alison,thanx for your comment on my pic.I have seen your work and you have a great eye for detail,fantastic shots.
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