Andrea Lastri

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A propos de moi

As many others before me, I began shooting by chance, ten years ago, and got mostly interested in landscape photography. At the beginning I only used digital cameras arriving, in the end (once again, by chance) at the Large Format (obviously on film). In short I completely quit using digital for landscape.

The LF has a huge amount of disadvantages for the modern photographer. The weight and the equipment fuss are considerable. Moreover, it may take up to half an hour to focus, set the right graduated filters, check the light...and by then the interesting things are happening elsewhere... You need to anticipate the moment and be patient. But the LF has many beautiful sides as well: you won’t find such high quality lenses for DSRL and the film colors are gorgeous.

The necessity of slowing down to make a LF photograph, the fact that the result is seen only well after the actual shot (even months after!), allows me to reach a positive detachment of the subject, to abstract from the emotion felt at the moment of the shooting. In this way, it is as if I saw the photo for the first time, as if I were not the author, but the first viewer.

Unfortunately Fuji has announced it will stop producing the 4x5 Velvia50. To continue enjoying such beautiful colors, wisely “dosing” the shots I have left (I’m in shortage!) I began shooting also in Medium Format. I don’t disdain the benefit of the weight reduction!

Nowadays I mainly shoot close to home. I believe some sort of familiarity and fondness, if not love for the subject, is fundamental for my way of photographing. That’s why I often go back to the same places, to shoot the same subjects, in different times of the year and in different conditions.

Here are some of my favorite photographers, in alphabetical order:

Ragnar Axelsson
Olaf Otto Becker
Christopher Burkett
Edward Burtynsky
Luca Campigotto
Elger Esser
Michael Fatali
Josef Hoflehner
Michael Lange
Peter Mathis
Bruce Percy
Verena Popp-Hackner & Georg Popp
Jem Southam
Hans Strand
Thomas Struth
David Ward

Commentaire 2

  • Carlos García Jiménez 09/04/2014 3:35

    Hi Andrea

    You are not the only one burden with such weigh..and missing the best ISO 50 on big format, my advice go on with your heavy stuffs and rugger doubt is the best.. unfortunatelly I should left those for european people, in my country if you show a roll film everybody will ask what's that??..I worked a lot in 6.000 diapos but now I'm feeling some rewards by using a DG camera..I got the old 6x6 Hasselblad with compur..but is just a memory..lucky you having access to those films..

    Enjoy your time down here as Olivier I'm a fan of nature..

  • Adele D. Oliver 08/04/2014 21:19

    Hello Andrea, and a warm welcome to our big international and crazy world of photography at I hope you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the images of other members. I wish you fun and lots of interaction with others !!!
    greetings from Vancouver, Canada ....
    Manager Nature Channel
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