A propos de moi
Is new here. very amateur photographer.
entered some of my pictures in my small towns show and got four firsts, two seconds and a third..
would love to get some advice from some professionals on techniques and anything..
The Camera I used for the majority of these photos is one i got for Christmas 2008- a FUJIFILM FINEPIX Z20FD in the blue.. great camera..
entered some of my pictures in my small towns show and got four firsts, two seconds and a third..
would love to get some advice from some professionals on techniques and anything..
The Camera I used for the majority of these photos is one i got for Christmas 2008- a FUJIFILM FINEPIX Z20FD in the blue.. great camera..
chaffa 03/01/2010 23:04
Would anyone be willing to suggest a digital camera for me?? one of those big camera.. i think they're called LSd.. something like that..† erlitzsche 18/12/2009 7:43
Hallo chaffa,ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc und viel Spass in der wunderschönen Welt
der Fotografie.
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Viele Grüße
dvnt82 17/12/2009 23:41
also like to know ... :)chaffa 17/12/2009 23:39
How do i make a folder? anyone?