Edwin Bont

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A propos de moi

I picked up my old hobby again two years ago.
Last year i bought a macrolens and the fun started.
Most shots are taken in my backyard, but i like to take insects into my shoebox studio as well.

My goal is to take portraits of insects, not just macrophoto's.

I am finishing my website, soon to be opened.

Commentaire 3

  • Mark Johnston 28/01/2006 6:35

    I love what Ive seen so far!
    You've got some great models working for you Edwin.
    Welcome to FC.
  • Milan Kozánek 25/01/2006 11:18

    Hi Edwin, thank you for vising my gallery and your comments to my macro.
  • Matthias Moritz 25/01/2006 5:34

    Hello Edwin,

    a warm welcome to fotocommunity.com! I hope you will enjoy this community as much as I do!
    Get your inspirations from photographers all over the world. May be, you will take the chance to improve your photographic skills, its all possible in sharing comments and pictures.

    You might have a question referring to fotocommunity.com, so don´t hesitate to ask me, since I am one of the Channel Managers.
    We are here to help you.

    Best regards

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