Eva Heip

Free Account, kalmthout

A propos de moi

I'm Eva Heip
I live in Belgium
I'm 15 years old

I take pictures just for fun
I edit pictures with paint and picture it ! 7,0
so I'm just no big deal
but I would like it if you'd post some comments into my pictures
even if you hate them
I just want to know =)

Commentaire 4

  • PacO MartiN 14/06/2005 7:30

    Very nice and interesting work. I can see you have good creatives ideas. Go on! Best regards from Madrid.
  • Maxim Van den Bossche 14/06/2005 0:56

    cheers Eva

    pretty interesting msn group you got. you do seem bored where you are, according to the brilliant website and pics you produce

  • Emre YNS Guler 04/06/2005 0:39

    welcome to fc eva
  • Luca Senatore 01/06/2005 20:12

    Your photographs are great! I love them..
    They are just so different!!
    Kind Regards
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