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A propos de moi

I am Kyoto by birth.
I became a photographer after graduated Tokyo polytechnuc university.
(formerly Tokyo photographic university)
I am now set up Maeda photograohic office and take photos of
advertisment or magazine or panphiet of self governing body.
Besides that I work as a part-time teacher at Osaka Aoyama
junior college or judge committee in a photo contest of each
self goveming body and deputy chairman of executive committce in
2008. 2009 JPS : Japan Professional Photographers Society exnibition.

Commentaire 2

  • Bodos Fotodesign 03/03/2011 9:40

    Herzlich Willkommen in der "FC"! Ich wünsche Dir hier viele "Freunde" und positive Anmerkungen.
    Viel Spaß hier unter den "Fotoverrückten"!
    Ich wünsche dir viele gute Anregungen, neue Ideen und viel Spaß im Kreise von uns Fotofreunden
    Immer das Licht dort wo du es Brauchst.


  • Adele D. Oliver 02/03/2011 7:47

    Greetings!! Glad that you found your way to FotoCommunity!! A warm welcome!!!! I hope you will enjoy showing your images and having a look at other members' photos.
    Have fun, get inspired and make many friends!!!
    Friendly regards,

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