LouAnn Biddle

Free Account, DeQuincy

A propos de moi

34, married, white, 3 teenagers.
Amatuer photographer. Love to take pictures of my children, and my neices and nephews, and hopefully someday, my grandchildren. I only have a faithful 35mm, and a nikon digital. I love black and white pics, and usually use 400 speed film. Just plain everyday things you can pick up at your neighborhood department store. So everybody let me know what you think. Should I go to school and become a professional? Do I have the "eye"?

Commentaire 2

  • Visiones de vida. 05/05/2005 23:10

    LouAnn,...welcome to the fotocommunity!
    My name is rAul, I along with the rest of the team are here to make this site a wonderful experience to you and others. As you can tell there is photographers of all backgrounds, some amatures and others more serious,..but with one thing in common, our love for photography. Get involved in commenting on others work, make buddies and before you know it you will have so much feedback and friends from around the world.

  • LouAnn Biddle 04/05/2005 16:41

    Please be honest. What do you think of my pictures?
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