Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I travel the world with touring bands mixing their sound out front and my hobby is photography.
My job gives me an excellent opportunity to see and photograph some amazing people, places and scenes.
I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you in advance for any comments made both positive or constructive. I don't take anything in a negative way.
My job gives me an excellent opportunity to see and photograph some amazing people, places and scenes.
I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you in advance for any comments made both positive or constructive. I don't take anything in a negative way.
me =) 01/02/2009 14:18
thx)today in the morning (:
Olbrisch 09/01/2009 13:11
Hi Matt,thanks for your comment. Wish you always a good shot.
kind regards
Panovision 06/01/2009 23:19
Willkommen in der FC. Ich wünsche Dir viele Anmerkungen, neue Freunde und vor allem viel Spaß beim Fotografieren.LG, Manü