Meset Gasper

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A propos de moi

My name is Meset Gasper. I'm a 26 year old German-American living in the southern United States. (My family hails from Berlin Deutschland) I'm happily married (as of October 31, 2006). I've been interested in photography for many years now. I work in Law Enforcement and I also enjoy writing and reading in my spare time. I am lately considering going back to school and looking into forensic photography.

I love history, anthropology, languages and Egyptology. I am a pianist and was privately tutored for twenty years. I love studying the history of war and military.

I tend to photograph things of a "darker" nature and see beauty in decay. Many people have called me strange for this but I've also had many great compliments about the things I have captured.

I use a Pentax Optio S50 5.0 megapixel digital camera for most of my work and am quite happy with that for the time being.


Commentaire 8

  • Francesco Margarita 06/12/2007 19:11

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
    Francesco Margarita
  • Gary D Allen 30/03/2007 5:29

    Sorry first for taking so long to get back to you. Thank you for the kind words on my photo. I do not see so much of a dark nature in your photos. Now your future choice of work...yeah that could be dark hehehe
  • Andy Pomplun 05/03/2007 15:23

    i also want to say: "welcome"

    hope you enjoy your stay and find some new friends around here pretty soon ... :-)

  • Daniela Friedrich 05/03/2007 13:10

    welcome and thanks for your comment on my Lion King
  • Linda Naranjo Photographer 05/03/2007 5:11

    A sense of a good thing. I'm new too. Welcome. Linda
  • Jeff Duncan 04/03/2007 19:40

    Thanks for the kind words about my Wild Fireweed Plant, I appreciate it. After viewing your work I can see you have an interesting viewpoint and can see beauty in the darkest of places. Bravo
    Jeff Duncan
  • Der Zacki 04/03/2007 10:59

    Hi there,

    Welcome the the

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:


    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
  • Sergio Pessolano 03/03/2007 23:01

    Hi Frau Meset,
    Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Sea of Dunes". I really enjoy your comment... and welcome to FC.
    Have a nice Sunday.
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