Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
"The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web." - Pablo Picasso
Well, I'm here becouse I like making photoes. Every time that I see something beautiful and I haven't my camera with me, it's hard for me don't run to home to get it :)
It's just a hobby for me but I hope you'll like them.
Well, I'm here becouse I like making photoes. Every time that I see something beautiful and I haven't my camera with me, it's hard for me don't run to home to get it :)
It's just a hobby for me but I hope you'll like them.
Ombretta Ercolani 26/06/2009 14:00
Daniele Antoni Paoli 25/06/2009 18:27
Ciao Nataly, grazie davvero per esserti soffermata sulla mia foto e per il tuo bellissimo commento :-)Daniele
Roberto Fognini 19/06/2009 23:37
Ciao Nataly,grazie per la visita edel commento,
l'ora era verso le 17.56.
Buona serata
ciao Roberto.
Mauro Peracchio 18/06/2009 15:16
Grazie 1000 Nataly. Il tuo commento mi fa molto piacere. Ciao...Mauropkhe 18/06/2009 1:14
Dear Nataly!
Welcome to the FC.
You're a nice romantic and pretty girl .Are you on the profile photo? It is very nice.
The quote by Pablo Picasso is good.
I thank you for your nice note under one of my pictures.
You love beautiful atmospheric landscapes. This is evident in your photos.
I hope you have a lot of nice people in the FC meeting. People with whom you about your and your photos will be able to talk.
Friendly greetings Petra
Margret 12/06/2009 16:38
Hallo Natalyvielen Dank für Deine Anmerkung :O)