Offir A

Free Account, Tel Aviv

A propos de moi


Don't like to use many words on my photographs, maybe becaue I don't feel like I know enough, in the intellectual/academic-level of photographing...

I love it when I manage to connect to this inner sense that "knows" where to point the camera at, and when exactly to click on that trigger...

I mainly take picutres when I'm traveling abroad. Most of my pictures are from India & Nepal, but I'll upload some from Europe and South America as well, I think. Hopefully I'll be in China on May and have some new stuff for you around June... :)

Glad to be here!
Hope to learn some new tricks and ideas from you guys...

Enjoy your stay,

Commentaire 2

  • JVision 11/03/2005 20:52

    Hi Offir,
    welcome to the fotocommunity. It's great to see you here. I like your photos and looking forward to see more.
    Kind regards
  • Heribert Stahl 09/03/2005 18:20

    welcome to fc...
    Very unusual and fine kind of view...
    Waiting for more!
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