Royce Faggotter

Free Account, Port Lincoln

A propos de moi

Hi, I have been involved in Photography since I was about 16, my brother and sister inlaw gave me my first camera for christmas. I presently own a Nikon F65 with two lenses. I have studied Photography through NYI. Have also had my own darkroom twice, and are looking at getting back into that area. I will eventually have a digital SLR. I have been the president of the Jamestown camera club, and I am presently the Vice President of the Port Lincoln Camera club. I have done Studio Portraiture and still have all my own equipment. My wife and children are also interested in Photography. I spent two years as a freelance journalist for Flinders News In Port Pirie as well spent nearly four years as a news cameraperson for CTN News Port Pirie. I was introduced to 8mm Movie Making in Grade 7 primary school. I have a total love and passion for both Photography and Video, and have done weddings funerals and other events.
I also own Medium format equipment and love using that because of the large negative gives beautiful photos. I enjoy helping other people achieve more with their own photographer and will give constructive criticism and praise for their efforts. As I have discovered in this site there is indeed excellent work. I will upload my profile photo soon.
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