Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
Photography is - beside music and singing - a big passion of myself. I love to discover the nature, cities, foreign countries (esp. North Europe) and different landscapes together with my cameras. I especially like to take photos of little things (like water droplets), stunning landscapes and animals (birds).
Lately, I started to take macro-photos of the colorful surface of soap-bubbles. It's a quite challenging motive and I'm looking for helpful hints how to improve these kind of photos! Thank you in advance!!
Now I hope you'll enjoy my photos! :-)
Photography is - beside music and singing - a big passion of myself. I love to discover the nature, cities, foreign countries (esp. North Europe) and different landscapes together with my cameras. I especially like to take photos of little things (like water droplets), stunning landscapes and animals (birds).
Lately, I started to take macro-photos of the colorful surface of soap-bubbles. It's a quite challenging motive and I'm looking for helpful hints how to improve these kind of photos! Thank you in advance!!
Now I hope you'll enjoy my photos! :-)
Schiene 15/06/2011 18:34
Hi! Du wolltest doch mal wissen mit welcher Technik ich das Libellenportrait gemacht habe. Sorry für die späte Antwort. Es war eine Panasonic DMC FZ 50 mit Raynox DCR 250 Nahlinse (auf Stativ mit Fernauslöser).LG
Stahl Alexander 21/02/2011 21:18
Herzlichen Dank.MfG ALEX
Mattel 17/02/2011 20:44
Vielen Dank für deine Anmerkung habe mich sehr darüber gefreut Gruß MattelChristy-Ann 17/02/2011 19:15
Herzlich willkommen in der fc. Ich wünsche dir viele gute Anregungen, neue Ideen und viel Spaß im Kreise von uns Fotofreunden.Liebe Grüße, Christy-Ann