Draga Darinka,
hvala na lepim komentarima. Slike sa polja su sa godisnjeg takmicenja zzetelaca "Duzzijanca". Slikane su u sedmom mesecu prosle godine u Starom Zzedniku.
Drago mi je da ste komentarisali jer sam sada otkrio vas portfilio koji je zaista izuzetan. Sve najbolje.
WOW.I just finished looking through your photos and am completely amazed at your ability to capture landscapes,animals and people. Really great work.
greetz, Jorge
Hi Darinka,
I found marvelous Pictures of Landscapes of your country in your portfolio and I like them very much! And there are very fine birds and other animals too :)))
Regards Gunther
Hello, Darinka,
beautifully, that you visited once.
I am pleased that you like my photo. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I don't speak any English to be able to express better about me.
I also like your photos. Particularly the landscape receptions are beautiful.
Darinka - I did not leave comments for any of your photos because they are ALL so great! I think you are one of the best photographers in all of FotoComm!
Bill Lang 29/04/2005 11:29
Hi DarinkaAll of your photo's are beautiful but the portraits of the little girl are fantastic.
Thanks for you comments on some of my photo's.
Zdenek Baranek 24/04/2005 11:35
Sehr schöne Bilder hast du da Darinka.Ich komme bestimmt wieder.Gruß zdenekJosep A. Collado 19/04/2005 16:56
Thanks, Darinka for your comments on my pics.Greetings from València.
Josep Antoni
Heiko Heddergott 12/04/2005 17:34
Danke für dein Anmerkung zu meinem Bild.Wünsche dir weiter immer gutes Licht.
LG Heiko
Jasmina Asic 11/04/2005 18:10
cau Darinka,kje se zgubljas?:)
lep pozdravcek, pa ceprav dezeven :)
Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic 10/04/2005 15:27
Draga Darinka,hvala na lepim komentarima. Slike sa polja su sa godisnjeg takmicenja zzetelaca "Duzzijanca". Slikane su u sedmom mesecu prosle godine u Starom Zzedniku.
Drago mi je da ste komentarisali jer sam sada otkrio vas portfilio koji je zaista izuzetan. Sve najbolje.
Jorge Gonzalez 10/04/2005 11:28
WOW.I just finished looking through your photos and am completely amazed at your ability to capture landscapes,animals and people. Really great work.greetz, Jorge
Gunther Hasler 07/04/2005 23:25
Hi Darinka,I found marvelous Pictures of Landscapes of your country in your portfolio and I like them very much! And there are very fine birds and other animals too :)))
Regards Gunther
Stephan O. 07/04/2005 16:44
HelloThank you for your momment.
Great pictures !!!
Babs Sch 05/04/2005 12:37
Hello, Darinka,beautifully, that you visited once.
I am pleased that you like my photo. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I don't speak any English to be able to express better about me.
I also like your photos. Particularly the landscape receptions are beautiful.
Dear greetingses to Slovenia
Abdul Khaliq 04/04/2005 15:14
Hi Darinka,I was wating for your valuable words on my work , and i am glad to receive ++. Many Thanks for posting your comments - abdul
Gerontolon Müllhaupt 04/04/2005 0:12
many thanks for your friendly comments.greetings
Rohan Akunoori 30/03/2005 16:02
YOU ARE MY HERO.God Bless you and keep you in his loving care and tender mercies.
Happy Clicking.
My Riam 28/03/2005 21:20
hi darinkai'm very happy that i find you and your photos here :-) i hope you 'll show many other pic from your beautyful country!
Hector Romero 23/03/2005 18:22
Darinka - I did not leave comments for any of your photos because they are ALL so great! I think you are one of the best photographers in all of FotoComm!