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Ant larvae for sale in Pakse

Ant larvae for sale in Pakse

3 783 4


Premium (World), Bangkok

Ant larvae for sale in Pakse

Weaver ant eggs and larvae may be used in a salad in a dish called yam khai mot daeng or red ant egg salad. A dish that comes from the Issan or north-eastern region of Thailand and is also common in Laos everywhere. Their attractive, almost sweetmeat-like translucency possibly invited the first essays at their consumption by the human species. Once I was trying it in Thailand I got used to eat and I like it. I recommand to fill an omelette (delicious taste, better than Caviar).

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Dossier All across Laos
Vu de 3 783


APN E5000
Objectif ---
Ouverture 4.4
Temps de pose 1/60
Focale 18.8 mm
ISO 100