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Barefoot like you, brother _ V

Barefoot like you, brother _ V

14 765 8


Premium (World), Palermo

Barefoot like you, brother _ V

Palermo, September 10, 2015

« Canali umanitari subito
Palermo accoglie
per un'Europa senza muri »
« Humanitarian channels immediately
Palermo welcomes
for a Europe without walls »

Thousands of women and men marched barefoot, on a warm summer evening in the streets of Palermo, in a sign of solidarity with migrants from Africa and from Syria arriving at the borders of Europe on ramshackle boats or by land often without clothes and without shoes and against the anti-immigration policy of different countries but especially in Hungary.

Commentaire 8


Dossier Reportage
Vu de 14 765


APN Canon EOS 7D
Objectif Tokina AT-X 116 AF Pro DX 11-16mm f/2.8
Ouverture 4.5
Temps de pose 1/20
Focale 16.0 mm
ISO 800

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