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Taking an unexpected turn.

nine eleven ground zero
NY September 2006

Commentaire 24

  • Accabadora 17/09/2011 20:41


    9/11, but also 11/3/11......

    11 / 3 / 11
    11 / 3 / 11
  • Flighty Furrow 16/09/2011 17:15


    Leber Eckhard,

    Das ist genau, selbst wenn alle Informationen vorliegen kann das Ganze durch die falsche Entschiedungstreffung durch schlechte Entscheidungtreffer zum Unheil führen!

    Siehe des Staatoberhauptes Reaktion: http://youtu.be/Rwd-PjxzIaA
  • Hanne L. 31/08/2011 19:06

    Möglichkeiten für eigene Interpretation der Arbeit, eigene Gedanken ...
    Liebe Grüße, Hanne
  • Flighty Furrow 28/01/2011 18:22

    Hi Sabine,

    To me it is not so much a question of explaining my photos but rather the attempt to exchange views and opinions anyone can have when looking at a photo. This to me is at the core of any forum including naturally, this one. In this respect the view of the 'creator' is but one and not always - I am afraid to admit - the most pertinent or interesting one ;-)

    Please regard the latter observation as an honestly meant compliment on your comments!

  • Flighty Furrow 28/01/2011 18:10


    Hallo Eckhard!

    Das mit der These bezog sich nicht auf das wohl oder nicht Versagen des Geheimdienstes, sondern auf die Unterstellung dass wenn er seine Arbeit besser gemacht hätte 9/11 hätte verhindert werden können.

    Das bezweifele ich! Deswegen ja auch mein Gegenbeispiel von der äußert gründlichen Arbeit gleich aller an den Vergeltungsaktionen beteiligter Geheimdienste um die "weapons of mass distruction" ausfindig zu machen – es gab sie nicht und trotzdem wurde angegriffen, entgegen den Empfehlungen & Analysen eben jener Geheimdienste. Manche Geheimdienste bekamen sogar die ehrenvolle Aufgabe vorher erstelltes Material 'zurückzunehmen' da es 'nachweislich Fehler enthalte' es dann 'neu aufzuarbeiten' oder einfach 'besseres (sprich den politischen Anforderungen entsprechendes) Material zu erfinden/fabrizieren'. Nach dem Motto: Wo ein Wille ist, findet sich ein Weg (auch wenn er durch die Wüste geht).

    Zum Glück kann man heute sage: Es gibt sie doch (auch dies haben die Geheimdienste damals schon reklamiert), sie befinden sich nur - inzwischen mehrfach der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit zur Schau gestellt - im Nachbarland.
  • s. sabine krause 27/01/2011 17:42

    thank you very much for elaborating on your intentions and motivations related to the creation of your picture! i really appreciate it! personally, i think i'd rather refrain from explaining my art – and art it is! your picture, i mean! judging from the many great comments, it has long emancipated itself from its creator and started to live a life of its own ; )) – which is great! it's inspiring all kinds of interpretation and receptions… thank you again, though, for taking the time to elaborate! looking forward to more of your work! lg, sabine.
  • Flighty Furrow 27/01/2011 14:21


    Hallo Eckhard, das ist eine interessante These man ist geneigt zu sagen:

    Wären alle Inlands-Geheimdieste all jener Staaten, die sich bereit erklärt haben an den Vergeltungsaktivitäten teilzunehmen, ihrer Aufgaben gerecht geworden, hätte es die "weapons of mass-distruction" oder gar die "axix of evil" tatsächlich nicht gegeben.
  • Flighty Furrow 27/01/2011 14:12


    Hi Sabine, I finally found the time to reply!

    It does not cease to astonish me how we look differently at images.

    I chose this one out of a bunch of photos because it gives the impression of density. Density caused by the plenitude of lines and geometrical shapes. Cityscapes are often a time like so, one gets inundated by the immense number of detail. This was a convincing metaphor to me for the plenitude of onions, views, comments and ideas which have been voiced about 9/11.

    To refer to the symbols you mention my main ideas are the following:

    The fence – both to keep something out and to keep something (safely) within. Either a net to catch with or a filter to discriminate against what one is not interested in.

    The cross – to me it is not religious but a reticule, the fine lines of an eyepiece of a sighting device, to be able to see something which is far removed from a closer, yet more limited perspective or in a negative sense the eyepiece of a sighting device attached to a rifle...it is meant to raise the question: what should we be looking for? What should we aim at – for? And with what should we take aim, if we chose to do so? The reticule, if you so want, invites the viewer to look beyond the depicted and place it in the context of the debate about the event it refers to.

    The red – to think of blood, of course we think of blood especially in view of the tragic event. Is it not strange though that there were no images of blood being shown; at least I cannot recall having seen an image of the day in NY which actually showed blood. Those images came later. And by that time events had left NY. Actually the colour was a coincidence. I wanted to include part of another photo of my FC series in this particular photo thus creating a link between two realities - which does not exist in reality. To me this is one of the interesting aspects of artistic expression, creating links which in reality are not possible. They can give you a new angle, viewpoint on an issue, thus triggering new thoughts and ideas which would not sprung up otherwise.

    So this image is about how do we look at an unexplainable event, what do we focus on, what do we register, how do we use our imagination to take us beyond a point which in real life is difficult to surpass. How do I share such ideas, emotions or views with others from my own culture and from other cultures? That to me is the symbolic meaning of that bridge in the middle of the picture. And is it not telling that that bridge can only be crossed by people actually working on that site. There, the reality of the image catching up with the discourse about 9/11.
  • Ruth U. 28/11/2010 19:31

    Eine tolle Arbeit und dieses Datum werden wir nie vergessen, danach hat sich die ganze Welt verändert.
    LG Ruth
  • mike snead 19/11/2010 10:36

    great shot.


  • Kein Grund 07/11/2010 14:19

    Hierher bin ich auch schon mehrmals zurückgekehrt......

    Es scheint immer noch etwas DAHINTER zu geben. Und diese Unterteilung in vier Flächen gefällt mir.

    LG Hanni
  • Anna Boeri 23/10/2010 7:40

    Molto bella!
    Ciao Anna
  • Ernst Seifert 15/10/2010 18:43

    Eine Menge geometrischer Formen, die mich ein wenig irritieren.
    VG Ernst