Herat castle, before the ruins were in ruins......
When I took this picture many years ago the old ruins of the Bala Hissar fortress were still a sight dominating the sprawling life in Herat.
Later the trouble started with so many who wanted bring law and order, liberation, the true religion, democracy, peace and freedom. As all these benefits were introduced with the help of less peaceful means the ruins really became ruins and so many lost their life. All this great work was done in the name of Allah and God, except by the Sowjets. Therefore those atheists got no blessings and lost their struggle, the others are all still doing their job for the benefit of the people of Afghanistan.
For visitors who can read German language and like some fun too:
Sergio Pessolano 01/10/2009 18:34
Timeless!redfox-dream-art-photography 16/03/2008 4:04
Very impressive work!Well done!
bw, redfox
Andrej Nagode 16/12/2007 11:02
Excelletn capture and story.BW Andrejc
aw masry 01/07/2007 19:13
Interesting for it's stories !!! Nice captured.Salam - aw masry
Inge Hoenekopp 04/06/2007 22:37
als ich in herat war....jesses, sorry, bibachschid, isa wollte ich sagen, ist das lange her 1972 oder 1973 or so...da war die welt noch heil...
blos meine filme nach der rückkehr eben nicht.
egal: was ich gesehen habe kann niemand klauen !
und ich werde es nie vergessen.
ein grosser daumendruck für das land
DRAGA PUC 21/04/2007 19:18
great ****Dragomir Vukovic 30/11/2006 9:50
^#^Andreas-Hoffmann 03/11/2006 19:28
this is one world . and this is our world . perfect photoBodo Wit. 19/10/2006 21:43
Hallo, bin vor einiger Zeit auch in Afghanistan gewesen. Ist schon verrückt und traurig, wie das Land von Fremden aber auch den eigenen Leuten in Schutt und ASche gelegt worden ist.LG Bodo
Bin Im Laden 23/05/2006 12:15
sigrid, in herat osama haben lauter viel freund, brauchen garnichts verstecken. gerade er kaufen ein neu mp in laden dort hintern!!!!!:-).ich auch "bin im laden" zusamen mit osama. bild machen mit remote control.
cheers, bin
Sigrid nordlicht in der pfalz 23/05/2006 11:15
hält sich da in der burg bin laden versteckt ????Piroska Baetz 04/07/2005 8:08
a beautiful doku pfoto which you have here us show, please me well.many beautiful thank for your nice request. -:))
greetings, piri