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Hotel La Majun in La Villa, Val Badia Valley

Hotel La Majun in La Villa, Val Badia Valley

2 526 6

† Ralf Scholze

Premium (World), Meerbusch

Hotel La Majun in La Villa, Val Badia Valley

The language spoken in the Val Badia Valley is Ladin. It is a Neolatin language, which is not only spoken in Val Badia, but also in other valleys surrounding the Sella Massif (Val Gardena, Livinallongo, Val di Fassa, Ampezzo). A variation of Ladin is also spoken in Friuli and Grigioni (Switzerland). A written language, which is to be uniform at least to the Ladin variations in the Dolomites, is still in the phase of elaboration.

Here some examples of the Badia Valley Ladin "Badiotto":

Good morning = Bun dé! (until noon)
Good afternoon = Bun domisdé! (until twilight)
Good evening = Buna sëra!
Good night = Buna nöt!
Please! = Prëibel! = Prëitambel!
Thank you = Dilan!
You are welcome! (replay to "Thank you")= Nia da dì!
Do you speek Ladin / Italian? = Baiëise ladin / talian?
I would like a single room = I oress na ciamena da un n let!
How are you? = Co vara pa?
Fine / Bad! = Bun / mal!
Did you have a good sleep? = Ëise dormì bun?
Where are you going today? = Ola jëise pa incö?

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