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Inside of frustrated observatory

Inside of frustrated observatory

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Kenny Jazz

Free Account, Baku

Inside of frustrated observatory

Canon EOS 5. EF 24-85/3,5-4,5. Fuji Superia Reala.
Inside of the building which not been comleted after Soviets break down. This is proubably had to be the one more building in whole observatory complex (look on my previous pictures). But now it is difficult to say what exactly it should be nad what is the function could happend inside. Everything there looks like stayed after the war...
Place situated in Pirkuli village near Shemakha, Azerbaijan

Commentaire 5

  • Inez Correia Marques 01/08/2007 23:28

  • JVision 05/12/2006 22:19

    Interesting picture !!
  • Kenny Jazz 30/11/2006 13:20

    I slightly modified the info under the picture, so you read where this situated. Actually I dont know exact story about whole village where situated observatory units. But I will try to explain. At first i had to shown another pic before this one because there is many things visually much more clearly. But from my point of view that one not such interesting so i decided to introduce this one first. And if someone ask me about details i will continue story in pics.
    Many objects of observatory was built in time and they use to work sucessfully. Now almost evereone of them are locked. And this circle type small space stayed as you see - not completed. All thet travel reminded me film about zone of estrangement. Not much people, nothing happend and any science works inside the fenced area. After country become independent observatory life lost importance and everything including time looks stopped.
  • Mark Page 30/11/2006 11:01

    Kenny - I love looking at photos of abandoned buildings... and wondering what stories their past holds?