Proletarians unite!...
The current Greek revolutionary and proletarian uprise sent as" proud and defiant" message, by the government, to the attractive prospects of a united and globalized Europe..
(When a government- only few months old- eventually tries desperately to disguise it's fear, weekness and failure with "the people's democratic power" to decide through an absolutely useless referendum!...)
(The photo was taken in a Greek village of a remote and neglected region of Western Macedonia back in the early 80ties. I'm not sure it won't be seen again in the years to come...)
s. sabine krause 17/07/2015 10:56
mixed feelings! i second them! there's no clearly defined "black and white"… at times i can't help but feel awe, reverence at the seemingly stubborn and steely way in which the greek government (tsipras and the now sacked varoufakis) handled the situtation, trying to represent their country in a confident if defiant way, trying to "keep face" by standing up to the often patronizing, and all too imperious attitude of the rest of europe. but then again, i shudder at times, too, wondering whether we are all but drifting, drifting towards a abyss of no return, long having lost touch with the ground that's to be plowed… and somewhere in a corner of the world (speaking or rather perceiving with brughel) icarus is falling… greetings, sabine.mike snead 11/07/2015 1:18
a very typical scene of yesteryear.traditional versus modern-really don't know the answer as there are many pros and cons on both sides.m
Inez Correia Marques 09/07/2015 20:06
Respect. there is nothing else to sayI hope you are well my friend
Y.Takatsu. 04/07/2015 16:35
excellent picture ....full of nostalgia and romance,like it.
Y.Takatsu. Tokyo Japan
Gabrielle Photo Story 30/06/2015 20:14
Excellent shot!rolvin 30/06/2015 0:13
Here hard work is still in demand. A great photo that wonderfully documented the work in the countryside.Yes, and the other issue .... Europe ..... a difficult one and the same time a neverending story.
I do not think that the people have the foresight to make the right decision.
I am sure Greece will remain in the EU with the Euro and the parties will finally agree.
Best wishes
Ken Piros 28/06/2015 11:44
We ask for riches and were given poverty so that we could become wise is an old saying. Hopefully this issue with Greece will have a good outcome for all. Everything is not all that great here in the US either, unemployment is higher than what is reported, especially among the young, what job there are available is all part time so that the companies can avoid paying health insurance for their employees. The middle class is slipping away to the point we will have the very rich and the working poor.catherine Berthe 27/06/2015 18:47
extra +++ amitiés catherineGiampiero Mazzoleni 27/06/2015 18:06
Foto molto molto bella, dal sapore antico, gente che lavora la terra con fatica e sudore. Complimenti.Giampi.
Harold Thompson 27/06/2015 8:58
A hard life toiling to live. Good scene of the way of life:-)) Harold
sparkling light 27/06/2015 8:31
I wonder what will be, Alexander. And I asked myself many times was it worth the price of loosing friendly relationships to have a common currency like that. The EURO I think has created more problems than it had solved. If anyone would ask the 50 to 60% of unemployed young people in the southern european states what their opinion is, there would be a clear statement. But the world keeps just spinning around bankers and financial industries.By the way, this is a fine old photo. Enjoy your weekend, Alexander,
Yours, Jost
Sue Thompson 27/06/2015 8:08
A scene that is at first glance, rather romantic... one man and his faithful old horses, tilling the land... but look deeper and the land does not look that good... it was very hard work and most likely very difficult to make a living......:))
Certeau Dominique 27/06/2015 7:32
La société oublie les vraies valeurs.Excellent hommage aux travailleurs trop souvent sollicités dans les périodes de crise qui sont crées par les par les nantis bien à l'abri dans leurs paradis fiscaux.
Bonne photo.
SINA 27/06/2015 6:23
adriana lissandrini 27/06/2015 0:16
I like very much this photo, Alexander, has a taste of things lost and maybe even lost ideals, utterly disappointed.I do not think this slogan is the right way to revive the fortunes of the peoples, but not even the law of finance and banking ....
un caro saluto Adriana